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When the West Brings Civilization Back to Africa (2008, 88min)

Director: Ji Hoon Park

Synopsis: 20 year old Sam joins a team of college students and professors who visit a rural village in Cameroon to improve the qualtiy of drinking water and hygine practices. She is excited to see the positive effects that the newly implented technology has on the health of this loving community. But Sam also realizes that despite the group's well-intended efforts to help, they accidentally teach the locals what they need are what white people have, thereby cultivating their sense of black inferiority. She feels frustrated and overwhelmed because locals only see her as a rich, white person and constantly ask her challenging questions she is unable to answer. When the team leaves the village, the members feel happy because the project turned out successful and children no longer die because of contaminated water. But the locals feel unhappy and sad because they are the ones who must deal with the emptiness and frustration of the "unfulfilled" dream of civilization. Back in Africa, Sam determines to explore questions about global inequality and Western privilege because she learned through this trip that even the actual experience in Africa does not provide answers to the fundamental questions about global inequality.

Aired on Michigan PBS (WGVU) in 2009

The New York Times commented on this film on Feb 2, 2019. Here is the link. (뉴욕타임즈 기사)


나, 공정 (I, Fair, 2022, 23min)

​각본, 연출: 박지훈

시놉시스: 대표의 성추행으로 극단이 문을 닫는 바람에 아르바이트로 하루하루를 보내는 현주. 현주는 극단 상상이 문체부 지원을 받아 야심차게 올리는 새 작품 <공정사회>의 주인공을 모집한다는 소식을 듣고 주인공 나공정 역에 지원하는데 친한 동생 민경과 최종 오디션에서 마주칠 것이라는 사실을 우연히 알게 된다. 

Hyun-Joo has lost her job because the owner of her troupe was arrested for sexual harassment and the theater shut down. She desperately applies for the female lead role of a new play <Just Society>. Later, she hears the news that she will need to compete against her close friend Min-Kyung in the final audition.

연출의도:  공정이 화두다. 누구나 기회의 공정과 정의를 외치지만 눈앞의 이익 앞에서는 타인의 기회를 뺏고 싶은 이기적인 생각과 행동을 하기도 한다. 영화 <나, 공정>은 겉으로는 공정을 말하지만 치열한 사회에서 살아남기 위해 때로는 불공정을 용인하거나 저지르는 우리 모두의 민낯을 코믹하게, 때로는 진지하게 그려낸다.

2022년 제2회 전라누벨바그 영화제 우수상

2022년 제12회 충무로 단편, 독립영화제 각본상,  여자 연기상

2022년 제5회 천안국제초단편영화제 여자 배우상

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